Friday, October 30, 2009


原本预定上星期要到医院做我的CT SCAN 的, 因逃避, 没去到。。。

这整个星期, 好像比较严重了,不能在弯腰跪下那东西了,因为神经线会拉着,从背部到脚 :( 很不好受的感觉。。。。 而且, 我左脚好像开始没什么力了,爬楼梯的时候, 可以很清楚感觉到。。。 左在真的很吃力。。。 :(

没办法了。。。 老公下了命令明天一定要去医院照镜 。。。 有点担心,不知结果会是如何呢?上天保佑, 没事吧!!!

因距离我结婚的日子也越来越近了。。。 不想有任何的“打扰”。。。sigh....


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Back Pain

4-5 years back, i fall down and hit my last few piece of back bone....

this few years i was suffering for "on and off " back pain...

but... recently my back pain become serious and left leg 麻痹 for almost 1 month ++

i cant stand long, i cant sit long , i cant walk long and i cant take heavy thing...

suffering ...i cant even have a good sleep at nite due to the back pain :(

went to see Orthopeadic specialist and finish my 2 weeks medicine, but no good sign seen at all...

going to do my X-ray and CT Scan this coming saturday in Tung Hsin Hospital...

hopefully everything is fine ! ( hopefully no operation required! )

worried and suffering :(


Monday, October 5, 2009

Wedding Corsage

been dragging for few months.... very lazy to do my wedding corsage for wedding day....for my ji mui and heng dai.... finally today ive finish and complete....feel so happy.... ^^ the theme of my wedding is Purple and White.... so mostly the decor is purple and white ;)

This is the corsage for heng dai... for hubby side.... Just for guys....

this is the wrist corsage for ji mui... Just for gals....