Wednesday, January 27, 2010



心灵上。。。 身体上。。。

病得天昏地暗, 好辛苦 :(

累了。。。。 可不可以别在被折磨???

身体痛的很,止痛药也吃了很多。。。 一点都没作用。。。

好惨!!! 可怜的我。。。


Saturday, January 23, 2010


过了7 天后, 还剩9天。。。。



Saturday, January 16, 2010


凌晨六点半,送老公去机场。。。 老公要去上海培训2 周。。。 2 月2 日才回国。。。 依依不舍~~

老公。。。 一路顺风!!! 会很想你哦!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Hair Style

It's been about half year i never cut my hair de.... coz wanna grow long my hair for my wedding....

New year coming.... go to cut my hair today ( cut short my fridge ) and dye my hair to copper colour... a new change for me for the year of 2010 :p

talk about dye hair...hmmm....i think more than 1.5 years i never dye my hair de.... hahaha.... a fresh look now :)
* laptop viewcam not high res, cant see my hair colour clearly :(

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Merry Xmas 09

So Fast ...It's another xmas again..... this is my first xmas with hubby ......
my xmas present ...with my 大东瓜。。。

Hubby & i....
Xmas Cake for Hubby...

Say Chesszzzz~~~

Our Xmas Dinner at Subang.... Tomoe Japanese Restaurant...

The Ingredient of home made spagetthi....

Just for you...Hubby !!