Thursday, April 23, 2009


光阴似箭。。。 这么快,又是星期四了。。。 日子过得超忙,闭眼又说周末要到临了。。。还有几天又说过完了2009 的四月。。。 啊~~~~~为什么时间过得如此快呢???? 真的有点吃不消哦 …… ^@^ lol....

没什么好写的。。。 只是无聊上来这儿写写现在的感触~~哈哈!!!

~ D@[p]Hne ~

Monday, April 20, 2009

Mission Completed~~ 1st make up competition is over...feel release now ~

Even i dint get the 1st Prize... but at least i gain some experience and my self confidence for this.. ;)

Below are some pic to share out ...

Katherine & Daphne at Ampang Point Roadshow ..before the competitio start...

Concentrate to draw my lavender...
My 1st Creative Makeup ... with my model ...
Overall look for Lavender make up and the hair style.... Thanks Katherine for the help for hair style...
Let's have a Group photos with all the model, make up artist and our judges....

And..... Ofcoz.... Thanks for the big support from my lovely Darling~~~

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ideas for Hair Style

Hmm..was seeking hair style ideas for my coming competition.... just draw it out, dun know can make it or not....

Tonite going to school to practive the make up.... havent even draw on face... scare i cant make it.... hopefully everything run smooth ;)


Preparation for My 1st make up contest!

Got the news yesterday from tutor that i've been selected to go for this coming Sunday Ampang Point Roadshow competition among our branch... Title is Lavender.... very shock and too rush for me to prepared the things... 5 more days only... need to practice how to draw on face and also what hair style and accessories i need to do.... stress!!!

below are the 1st draft i send to my tutor for the selection ... now thinking how to draw on face..really a big challenge for me... but nvm... it is a good practice for me to gain more experience ;)

Wish me good luck !~~~

Thursday, April 9, 2009


好久没在部落格写下我的心情了。。。 没有自己的电脑, 真麻烦!!!做工的时候却很忙, 没时间Update 我的部落格。。。


这3 个星期, 我都超累的。。。 原因是。。。 做工后,却要赶着去上课。。。 每逢一,三, 五日,都去上课的。。。 只觉得自己真的活在奔波劳碌的世界。。哈哈。。。 却没有真真让自己静下来,好好的休息。。。可能我还没适应Full Time 做工part time 读书的忙碌生活吧!!! 我想,为了我的梦想与兴趣,在辛苦的路我都一定要啃过去。。。 虽然, 噢而, 我知道,我真的累的不像人,累的快要崩溃。。。

我想在此和玛丽亚星说声谢谢。。。 谢谢您, 在我最需要人支持的时候,给我无限的关怀,鼓励与支持。。。您的付出,我感觉到,您的关怀,我明白,您的疼爱,我收到,您所为我做的每一样东西,我知道我珍惜我甜在心。。。谢谢您带我到另一个没有泪水的幸福天堂。。。

除了谢谢,我想说对不起,因我的忙碌。。。 却没有很多时间陪您。。。 一个星期见面的时间不到两天full day… 而且有时,见面的时候,我却累得睡着了!!!真的不好意识哦~~~原谅我这个就要变猪,一闭眼就能睡着的猪。。。哈哈!!!真的累坏了。。。

我很感谢您的体谅,明白。。。“ 相信我们 ”。。。 我们的梦,我们的未来,我们的计划。。。


Believe in Us!!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

i HaTe KL TraffiC!!!!

recently seldom come in my blog to write down my feelings of the day.. it is becoz i was super busy for work and study .... and also no personal laptop... so cant update my blog frequently...

Boring Friday Nite... staying at home.... actually just now suppose to go for class.... i go out from office at 6pm... but i jam 1.5hours ++ in PJ then i decided to cancel my class... was extremely feed up with friday nite de... i spend 2 hours to reach my house... wow.... imagine normal day i only spend 30-40min... sigh.... terrible KL traffic.... 1st time i was so fed up with this situation... coz i rush to finish all my working stuff and plan to go class...who know...waste my friday nite in the traffic jam only....

last time i like friday, coz friday nite can party around or go kai kai... but now, since i work in PJ... every friday also jam terrible... sigh..... pity me.... :(

okla..nothing special... just feel boring at home so come in to write some rubbish here... :p haha....