Sunday, October 3, 2010
我的心情一天比一天紧张,一天比一天复杂。。。很多东西担心的。。。 产前产后。。。
Sunday, August 29, 2010
65 天
不经不觉,我已怀孕31周了。。。。 今天是我正式开始在家安胎的第一天。。。 这一路走来的215天, 对我来说并不容易。。。 一直以来身体虚弱的我, 在怀孕期间更是比其他人来的更辛苦。。。。 一直这里痛, 那里痛的。。。也一直因抵抗力不好,感冒好几次。。。真惨!
从怀孕一开始到现在。。。 每晚也没得好睡。。。 因为每晚起身上厕所4-6 次。。。 搞得我精神好差 :( 每天都无精打采。。。
在我怀孕第6个月开始,因子宫收缩, 令我特别担心,因为医生说,如果子宫收缩严重, 会令我早产。。。而那时候的宝宝,如果早产,宝宝是活不过来的。。。 所以那时的我,真的很怕, 很担心。。。医生说, 最安全的是宝宝一定要在34周后诞生, 因为34周后的宝宝, 肺部已成熟。。。
还有3周,我就可以放下所有的害怕,担心。。。 ;) 等待我可爱的宝宝和我见面。。。 哈哈!!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Pureen Warehouse Sale
we brought quite alot of things also.... 2 baby pacifier, 2 milk bottles, 2 66pcs S size pampers, liquid cleaner for bottle cleaning, liquid detergent for washing baby clothes, maternity pad, breastfeeding pad, breast pump, baby food container, powder puff, blanket, rubber map, nose cleaner, wet tissue... etc....
really lots of baby things still need to buy, check my baby buying list, things I brought today jus 1/4 of the list only.... many to go.... wait next two week exhibition at mid valley, can shop again ;)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
iBlogger ;)
Thursday, July 29, 2010
2nd Trimester of Pregnancy
Too busy for preparing house moving>>> Yeah, i'm currently staying at our Home Sweet Home ;) maybe next post can post some new house corner ;) ( but i yet to capture the picture ..haha kinda lazy after pregnant )
Well, im almost finish my 2nd trimester of my pregnancy.... 2 more weeks to go ;)

Baby in 6th Month ; Week 24 @ 12/7/2010... baby weight 635g ..... i still got 2 more weeks to finish my 6th month ;) .... in this period, im suffering from lower abdomen pain.... went to see doctor , doctor say is due to my ovary contraction which is not a good sign of pregnancy....( maybe this is due to im over tiring while moving house ) ...... it make me so worry last 2 weeks, becoz doc said ovary contraction will push the baby out and 6th month baby still not mature yet to live outside world.... i rest for 1 week at home .... thanks god, i'm better now , even though my lower abdomen still pain, but this is not the ovary contraction pain..... and now baby start to kicking me very actively especially every nite around 930pm ;) ... you can feel... or even can see my tummy is dancing up and down when baby super active :p
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Bird Nest

Tuesday, April 27, 2010
1st Trimester of Pregnancy

Monday, April 19, 2010
long long time i never login to update my blog..... this is becoz busy and very lazy.... since after pregnant....always feel very tired.... sleep very early :p
so fast my pregnancy going to 3 months....(thanks god i've almost pass thru the 1st trimester of pregnancy ) this coming saturday will go for my check up in SJMC...i think this time can completely see exactly a baby shape ;)
last saturday went to 1u to have dinner with hubby....sushi zanmai...yummy yummy...but so pity i cant eat my favourite salmon sahsimi and ebiko sushi....only can eat cooked saba know...i looked at the salmon sahsimi infront of the counter and eat my cooked fish....wahhaha.... i think after i gave birth..i will forgot wat is the taste of salmon sahsimi :p.... hubby promised to bring me to have japanese buffet after my delivery...hehehe.... i always told my frens.... can i take a big bowl full of sahsimi and enjoy???? lol....
after dinner , we went to Crocs outlet... i was looking for a model called alice suede, but it's hard to find ....ive call and look for few shop , also cant get it.... finally i found in 1u happy i got my alice suede ^^ why must find Crocs alice suede?? coz this is the nicest model in Crocs series ...i feel la....more polite .... and the main reason is not the design i need a non-slip shoes during my entitle of pregnancy... ( u know la, i'm very lun chun, always fall down even walk in staright road :( ) must have more precoutions!!Anyway Thanks hubby for paying the bill... hehehhe :p