Finally, today is Challenger Grand Opening.... was very busy few weeks especially this week for the preparation of this event....
I'm the pioneer batch for this company ( instead i should say i'm the second person join in, after my Boss that work for this company from very beginning ) ... hahaha.... from the set up until soft launch until PC Fair until now Grand Opening... this experience really unforgettable... still remember during our set up... we go thru very very hard time.... i'm the one have to deal with those contractors for the renovation, temporally treasurer for issuing the petty cash, dealing with principal and vendors..... etc...
so fast next friday is my last day for this company de.... been working here almost 11 months...haha.... time flies... i think i will miss all my colleague but not my boss... lol :p
today many vendors come and support and officially i've told them my last day will be next friday, and very surprise that most of vendor offer me job in thier company.. haha.... thanks alot, but currently i think i'm still kinda lost.... and dun really know wat i want to do next... coz mayb i will back to study.... so i think work part time with my brother is the best solution..... in mean while i can do survey for my course and study stuff.... but still in many consideration la... any way... i feel very happy and glad that i have a 避风港 from my brother... " Ko, thanks alot !!! "
Below are some of the photos i shoot today... but not satisfy.... need to learn more for my photography de..sigh....need to shoot more... just some sharing....
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
今天,真觉得很替我的Manager 抱不平。。。 他因为家里有丧事,星期六拿了EL leave 回了丁加奴。。。 怎知道,星期一晚上,我的现任老板sms 他, 叫他check email reply 所有的email.... 平时已觉得老板没人情味了,但真没想到,可以如此的残忍。。 如此的没人情味。。。人家家里有事, 已很伤心很忙,他不但没关心,反而说我的manager not commited to work!!! OMG.... what kind of boss i have???
luckily another 9 more days, i will left this company.... 很多vendor 今天看到我,都说我看起来relax 多了。。。 没那么“五官缩埋一块" 哈哈~~~ 真得“早走早着”~~!!!! 呵呵~~
luckily another 9 more days, i will left this company.... 很多vendor 今天看到我,都说我看起来relax 多了。。。 没那么“五官缩埋一块" 哈哈~~~ 真得“早走早着”~~!!!! 呵呵~~
Monday, February 23, 2009
Monday Blues...
As usual....Monday Blues.... wake up quite late today coz yesterday watch drama till 1am something.... hehe.... reach office late also... :p
was quite blur to go thru stack of report for the stock replenish and coming grand opening ... have to refer here and there... make me so blur today.... V________V
you know??? this afternoon during lunch, i keep finding chopstick in the food court... but end up i still cant find, then i told myself " Nvm la, eat with spoon and fork "... but..... when the second i take my spoon and fork.... " Eeeee..... why i keep find chopstick just now???? i order rice not Mee.... lol " really blur.... my colleague keep laughing and help me to spread the news in office... hahaha.. :p and then afternoon, my assistant coordinator ask me about something and i give her blur blur answer also... she like " har????? " then i just noticed ...i've said something wrong and blur... hahaha..... what happen to me?? eat too much " Big Head Prawn" and now become 大头虾?? lol....
Will be busy for this coming week.... Company grand opening at saturday and sunday.... Means..... i need to work from today Monday till next Friday.... 12 days non stop working day.... i'm sure will be very tired :( ... haha... but nvm la... after this 12 days i can have some rest day de.... coz next friday is my last day in this company... hehe... :p looking forward to it... lol....
okla nothing special for today de... Wish tmr will be a better day ~~~~
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Daphne 1st handmade Sushi
Accompany Lai Sun go Garden to do something, after that we go shopping at Mid Valley.... and brought some sushi ingredient at Jusco... was very interested to do own sushi since last few months, but no time and no mood...haha... 心血来潮....brought some ingredient .... spend me alot... hahaha... but never mine long as i'm happy ... hehehe....
Here's the ingredient i brought from Jusco...
Below are some sushi and temaki i made ;)
Very happy for the outcome even tough the rice a bit too soft... lol.... ^_____^
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Snap Snap @ KL Bird Park
Wake up at 12noon, after lunch, nothing to do, so ask friend to go Bird Park to have some shoot...long time i never shoot de.... it's time for me to warm up again...hehehe....
Was extremely tired after back from bird park, lying on bed and straight away sleep de, but just a short while coz need to have dinner......
Below are some pics that i like the most.... Just some sharing ^___^
Was extremely tired after back from bird park, lying on bed and straight away sleep de, but just a short while coz need to have dinner......
Below are some pics that i like the most.... Just some sharing ^___^
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Finally, be brave and tender my resignation today..... due to the way of how my boss's very difficult for me ( not me only, whole office no matter what skin you are feel the can imagine how great my boss is ) to work with this Singaporean boss.....
i'm the 1st batch of pioneer staff, been working for this company about 10 months... and i think only left few ( not more than 5 staff) of pioneer batch.... really feel tired and confussing to work with him. To those who always come out chit chat with me... they will know how is my boss character...haha.... i'm not going to discribe so detail about him...just can briefly told that if he is a pilot take taking you to new zealand, but next second you will reach south i hope you understand what i'm talking... hahhaa.... and my difficulty that always laugh by my others colleague is " 2 is too little, 5 is too much and 3 is too little, 4 is too much... " what should i do?? really tak tahu lo.... hahahhaa
anyway....feel release after tender my resignation Yappy ~~~ hahahha....
god bless!!!~~
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
参加完了Seagate 的dinner 后 ,夜阑人静的夜晚,独自一个人,从吉隆坡的市中心驾着小黑回家的那30分钟路程。。。 听着李圣杰的手放开,repeat 又repeat。。。。脑海里出现了好多我们曾经的回忆。。。 突然又很想你了。。。 坚强了一段日子,以为自己已ok 了, 没想到又被那脆弱的意志力攻败。。。 心里又不停的哭泣了。。。 又心痛心疼了。。。
看清, 清醒,接受事实后的我,一直很努力的把你和这段感情放下。。。但偶尔发现, 原来按了delete 后, 你的踪影切还在cache memory 里,还没真真的清除掉。。。 sigh~~~~ 何时的我才能把你所有在我脑海里的记忆也format 了呢????看来坚强,没事的我,内心且是那么的脆弱,崩溃。。。
好累, 好累。。。
Sunday, February 8, 2009
吴若权的 << 起飞前,先学降落 >>
这是我三年前买的书。。。一本值得看的书。。。最近,每晚临睡前都阅读这本书,用了一个星期多的晚上, 把这本书又多看了一遍。。。从中又领悟了很多。。。
Part A ** 爱的航程, 总有尽头
* 每个恋人都需要一对翅膀, 载着喜悦的心飞翔。 也能载着破碎的心离开。
* 一个巴掌拍不响,两个人相处不好,双方都需要改善。
* [责任] 和 [爱] 很难分开;但最好不是为了负责而爱。
* 及时离开不适合自己的边岸,才能早日找到可以真正长久停靠的港湾。
* 让过去的成为过去。
* 发现自己爱到满怀疑惑时,就该考虑分手了。
Part B ** 爱的续航,幸福加油
* 不论个别活动或两人同行,都可以因为事前的规划而取得共识, 留住幸福。
* 理性和感性两个层面都考虑清楚之后, 剩下的诀策, 就让直觉去做!
* 相爱的两个人,必须学习把生活的重心放在共同的地方。
* 让步,是妥协的艺术。彼此对于 [底线] 的沟通与共识, 是平时就要付出的努力, 而不是[战
* 碰到懂得珍惜的人,所有的复出,都变成资产。碰到不会珍惜的人,再多的资产, 都变成负
Part C **爱的途中, 察言观色
* 情路难行时,用心观察, 用爱沟通。
* 缘分难留时, 珍惜自己的真心,别让它被锋利的感情伤透。
* 爱情里的无言,可能是两个人相处时最高的层次, 也可能是彼此沟通时最坏的状况。
* 别用太多毫无说服力的理由去粉饰太平。
* 就算选择不告而别, 爱情无疾而中,至少也要让祝福有个可以投递的方向。
* 爱情的朦胧之美,是来自把所有的事情看清楚之后的不计较。
Part D **爱到尽头,安全降落
* 相爱容易,分手难
* 在爱情中付出比较多的人,在分手以后也会比较难过。
* 原谅不值得原谅的人,将换来永无至尽的心碎。
* 原谅, 应该留给懂得悔改的对象,而不是借此和一个不值得信赖的人继续耗下去。
* 让你已不爱,或已经不爱你的人离开,是对自己的一种宽容。
* 放手,不只是给对方自由,同时也是给伤心的自己, 另一条宽广的路去走。
* 为分手写下时间计划表,需要给双方 [心理准备期] , [ 认知接受期], [ 生活适应期]。
* 当情路走到山穷水尽; 真实的旅行可以带你发现柳暗花明又一村。
共勉之~~~~ Just some sharing.... hope all of you like it ^_______^
Part A ** 爱的航程, 总有尽头
* 每个恋人都需要一对翅膀, 载着喜悦的心飞翔。 也能载着破碎的心离开。
* 一个巴掌拍不响,两个人相处不好,双方都需要改善。
* [责任] 和 [爱] 很难分开;但最好不是为了负责而爱。
* 及时离开不适合自己的边岸,才能早日找到可以真正长久停靠的港湾。
* 让过去的成为过去。
* 发现自己爱到满怀疑惑时,就该考虑分手了。
Part B ** 爱的续航,幸福加油
* 不论个别活动或两人同行,都可以因为事前的规划而取得共识, 留住幸福。
* 理性和感性两个层面都考虑清楚之后, 剩下的诀策, 就让直觉去做!
* 相爱的两个人,必须学习把生活的重心放在共同的地方。
* 让步,是妥协的艺术。彼此对于 [底线] 的沟通与共识, 是平时就要付出的努力, 而不是[战
* 碰到懂得珍惜的人,所有的复出,都变成资产。碰到不会珍惜的人,再多的资产, 都变成负
Part C **爱的途中, 察言观色
* 情路难行时,用心观察, 用爱沟通。
* 缘分难留时, 珍惜自己的真心,别让它被锋利的感情伤透。
* 爱情里的无言,可能是两个人相处时最高的层次, 也可能是彼此沟通时最坏的状况。
* 别用太多毫无说服力的理由去粉饰太平。
* 就算选择不告而别, 爱情无疾而中,至少也要让祝福有个可以投递的方向。
* 爱情的朦胧之美,是来自把所有的事情看清楚之后的不计较。
Part D **爱到尽头,安全降落
* 相爱容易,分手难
* 在爱情中付出比较多的人,在分手以后也会比较难过。
* 原谅不值得原谅的人,将换来永无至尽的心碎。
* 原谅, 应该留给懂得悔改的对象,而不是借此和一个不值得信赖的人继续耗下去。
* 让你已不爱,或已经不爱你的人离开,是对自己的一种宽容。
* 放手,不只是给对方自由,同时也是给伤心的自己, 另一条宽广的路去走。
* 为分手写下时间计划表,需要给双方 [心理准备期] , [ 认知接受期], [ 生活适应期]。
* 当情路走到山穷水尽; 真实的旅行可以带你发现柳暗花明又一村。
共勉之~~~~ Just some sharing.... hope all of you like it ^_______^
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
super duper busy week...
it's been 5 days i never come in my blog to update de.... why? coz this whole week is super duper busy with work and dinner / gathering with friends ....
time past really fast.... friday again... tmr weekend la.. hehe...can sleep late again.... now abit flu and fever.... cancel all my appoinment tonite, and rest at home.... later need to sleep early...actually quite tired and sleepy now after take the selsema medicine :(
really cant accept time past so fast le... Feb of 2009 de... phewwww....
This month will very busy for work due to preparing our company grand opening end of this month.... sigh.... just like today, really busy meeting up with vendors from 1230 noon till 630 pm non stop.... now damn tired.... meeting whole day ... not even got chance to sit down my table to do my work... hahaha... my outstanding job have to rush again next week... :( and... pity of us.... even is in Selangor state, but not entitle for Thaipusam public holiday on monday...sigh.... work and work again.... going crazy.... haha... but hope that this time grand opening wont be like few months back when we are busy for the setting up for our company.... tat time, all of us never rest about 2 weeks continuos working and week before the company open, we always work till midnite and sometime even dinner also dint eat and back home sleep only... haha... this time i hope will be easy la... since our set up is more or less stable de... just the matter of grand opening activities and sponsorship only.... god bless ya~~~
okla... thats all for today...nothing special.... tmr Saturday lo, can wake up late and go kai kai ... hehehe.... ;)
time past really fast.... friday again... tmr weekend la.. hehe...can sleep late again.... now abit flu and fever.... cancel all my appoinment tonite, and rest at home.... later need to sleep early...actually quite tired and sleepy now after take the selsema medicine :(
really cant accept time past so fast le... Feb of 2009 de... phewwww....
This month will very busy for work due to preparing our company grand opening end of this month.... sigh.... just like today, really busy meeting up with vendors from 1230 noon till 630 pm non stop.... now damn tired.... meeting whole day ... not even got chance to sit down my table to do my work... hahaha... my outstanding job have to rush again next week... :( and... pity of us.... even is in Selangor state, but not entitle for Thaipusam public holiday on monday...sigh.... work and work again.... going crazy.... haha... but hope that this time grand opening wont be like few months back when we are busy for the setting up for our company.... tat time, all of us never rest about 2 weeks continuos working and week before the company open, we always work till midnite and sometime even dinner also dint eat and back home sleep only... haha... this time i hope will be easy la... since our set up is more or less stable de... just the matter of grand opening activities and sponsorship only.... god bless ya~~~
okla... thats all for today...nothing special.... tmr Saturday lo, can wake up late and go kai kai ... hehehe.... ;)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Bye Bye ...10 days CNY Holiday
time past extremely fast finish my 10 days CNY holidays de.... tmr need to start work again.... kinda lazy...first thing come into my mind is..." OMG...need to wake up early again... can't sleep until noon de.... :( " hahaha....i'm really a lazy pig....
dint go any where this CNY, just went to grandma house at mlk ....and go out yum cha lepak with old friends.... watch 4 movie in cinema.... 家有喜事2009,大喜事,ink heart & Brides War...erm... others than that... sleep only... hahaha....
Tmr is hokkien pai tien kong.... and also is my dad birthday ;).... yeah yeah~~~
dint go any where this CNY, just went to grandma house at mlk ....and go out yum cha lepak with old friends.... watch 4 movie in cinema.... 家有喜事2009,大喜事,ink heart & Brides War...erm... others than that... sleep only... hahaha....
Tmr is hokkien pai tien kong.... and also is my dad birthday ;).... yeah yeah~~~
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